Big Camping Trips
Each year we take a variety of major trips. Here are some examples of trips taken the last few years.
Each year we take a variety of major trips. Here are some examples of trips taken the last few years.
Every summer we do a week at summer camp. This is a great opportunity to earn merit badges, work on trail to advancement, enjoy activites with other scouts, and a good way to introduce scouts to extended trips away from their parents. In prior summers, we have gone to Wente Scout Reservation, Camp Chawanakee, Camp Cherry Valley, and Camp Hi-Sierra.
Approximately every other year, scouts build their own kayaks and then travel 50 miles over 3 days through multiple rapids. Scouts must have earned their First Class rank and pass a swim test.
Approximately every other year, scouts travel to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico for ~10 days of backpacking at one of the best sites in the country. Along the way, they will take part in activities such as shooting and rock climbing. This can be a challenging high adventure journey so scouts must be 14 years old to participate. The journey may also include stops at sights such as the grand canyon.
Every couple of years we'll head out to Glacier National Park for ~10 days of backpacking. Snow, interesting terrain, wildlife, and plants make for an amazing experience. This can be a challenging high adventure journey so scouts must be 14 years old to participate.
Cold is just a temperature. Every few years we tough it out in temperatures as cold as -10°F to camp in the snow. This is a great introduction to finding ways to have a great experience in difficult conditions. We snow shoe in with our gear and setup camp on the snow.
Occasionally in February, we escape NorCal and head south to Death Valley National Park. Here we leverage the moderate temperatures to explore the desert landscape.