New Parent Guide (2022-2023 school year)
Welcome to T340,
This document is expected to be provided as an outline alongside a new parent introduction meeting.
- Introductions
- Scout Master’s intro
- Why scouting & why t340
- What is t2340
- Ask Your Patrol Leader & Patrol method
- Role of adults
- Why scouting & why t340
- The parent handbook
- Upcoming Trips
- Common trips
- We try to do one event per month during the school year and a few trips over the summer.
- Philmont
- Glacier NP
- White water kayak trip
- Snow camping
- Ski Trip
- Death Valley
- Gear
- What does a scout need to buy now?
- Uniform (consider a shirt on the larger side so they can grow into it)
- Non-troop specific patches
- Sleeping bag
- Sleeping pad (foam recommended)
- Plate, cup and utensils
- Water bottle (sturdy like nalgene, flasks & sports bottles leak)
- Personal first aid kit
- Troop provides
- Book, 340 number patch, epaulets & neckerchief+slide, patrol patch, and a class B shirt
- Troop Gear
- Tents, Stoves, Cook kits
- Buy or rent the rest as needed but don’t pre-buy. Scouts provide gear lists ahead of most camping trips.
- What does a scout need to buy now?
- Advancement
- Dues & Parent Participation
- Currently (2022-2023) $306/yr + camping trip costs
- Covers:
- Scout BSA reg + insurance
- Adult BSA reg + insurance (so we can have a high level of adult participation)
- Troop supplies & scout advancement costs (such as patches)
- Meeting spaces
- Shared equipment replacement and maintenance
- Covers:
- Currently (2022-2023) $306/yr + camping trip costs
- Med Forms
- Forms A+B needed as soon as possible. Scout and parent need to sign.
- Form C (doctor’s signature) needed for any trip over 72 hrs (summer camp).
- Consider getting your med form done at your annual checkup so you can be ready to go camping all year. Some camps such as CCV may require vaccination cards or a covid test.
- Med from coordinator: Mrs Parmar
- Provide 2 copies of forms + insurance card + covid vaccination record - paper only ( HIPAA prevents us from using soft copies)
- Communication
- Scouts use slack to communicate & troopkit to register for outings (you will be added after you submit your applications)
- Adults typically communicate over email or in the parents channel on slack
- Adults are not allowed to communicate with scouts 1:1 (you need 2 adults even on slack).
- There is a google calendar with some of our events on it (email Todd to get access)
- How to sign up (for scouts)
- In person using a paper app: or at
- If you join mid-year (say spring) partial year dues are: TBD, less scout and adult BSA registration & insurance, if they are already registered.